Betreff: Sant'Egidio NewsLetter
Von: "Comunità di Sant'Egidio"
Datum: Fri, 24 Dec 2004 14:02:14 +0100
An: "newsletter"

Sant'Egidio Newsletter

Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Year 4 - Number 26 - 12/18/2004




"The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world" . (John 1,9)

Many in the world are waiting for the true light. Those Christians who are living their faith among great difficulties are waiting for the true light. Those who are sick, those who are lonely, those who are poor, long for it!

It is the expectation you can read on the faces of the old people who are ashamed of their indigence, who are forced, after a dignified life, to ask for help for their daily needs. But it is also the expectation of many men and women of good will - and they are many - who are confused and dazzled by many false lights and who are longing for hope.

How can we welcome this light? We cannot forget that the family of Jesus, in Bethlehem, was not able to find a place for the night. They were coming from another region. They were poor.

Today, as it was then, inhospitality may wear the mantle of reason, it may be concealed by a sense of impossibility, it sometimes becomes a written law.

This is why on Christmas day the Communities of Sant'Egidio, wherever they are in the world, celebrate a feast with the poor. This is why a great table is prepared in hundreds of places, large cities, villages, in the North and in the South of the world. These places welcome street children, homeless, elderly, lepers, immigrants, gypsies . all those the Lord called "the least brothers of mine".

It is the manger of Bethlehem. It is the place where the true light shines and were the song we all want to hear resounds: "Peace on Earth to those whom he loves".

Our wish for everyone, on the vigil of Christmas, at the beginning of a new year is contained in those words that are also the title of the marches we will hold on January 1st to celebrate the World Day for Peace: "Peace on Earth"



15/12/04 - Festmahl mit den Armen: Vorbereitungen

13/12/04 - Blantyre: Grundsteinlegung für das Polyzentrum des Programms DREAM in Malawi

11/12/04 - "WIE es möglich ist, im Alter zu Hause wohnen zu bleiben": zweite Ausgabe des Buches, das sich an Dienstleistungen für ältere Menschen in der Stadt Rom wendet.

10/12/04 - Freunde der alten Menschen in Kamerun

10/12/04 - Barcelona (Spanien): Vorstellung des Buches "Dios no tiene miedo" (Gott hat keine Angst)

09/12/04 - Presseverlautbarung: Weihnachtsmarkt für Afrika: mit dem Land des Regenbogens spielen, recyclen und wieder spielen

06/12/04 - Nürnberg, Buchvorstellung: Gott hat keine Angst

05/12/04 - Weihnachtsmarkt für Afrika auf Plätzen vieler europäischer Städte

05/12/04 - Florenz: Gottesdienst für die alten Menschen



The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

12/04/04 - Uzbekistan - Tamara Chicunova and the Community of Sant'Egidio appreciate the words of Karimov, who said he supports the abolition of the death penalty. (IT -EN)

Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

12/13/04 - Nigeria - Daso Adamu, 25, sentenced to death by stoning for adultery, was acquitted by an Islamic Appeals Court.  (EN)

12/11/04 - Senegal - Senegal abolished the death penalty for all crimes, as President Wade had announced in Milan, in Sept. at the Meeting for peace organized by the Community of Sant'Egidio. (IT-EN-FR)

Other issues

12/16/04 - Texas/USA - Executions coming out of Harris County reveals that 90% of the people executed and scheduled to be executed are minorities, Atwood says. (EN)

12/16/04 - China - Supreme Court to check every death sentence, just to avoid wrongful executions, says the Justice Huang Songyou, vice-president of the Supreme People's Court. (EN)

12/10/04 - USA - Survivors of murder victims opposed to the death penalty to launch new group on international human rights day. (EN)

12/10/04 - California/USA - Innocence lost: California's Record on Wrongful Convictions. (EN)

12/07/04 - China - China revises death penalty law. (EN

12/07/04 - Oman - Amnesty International launches an appela to save the life of US woman, Rebecca Thompson, 44 (EN)

12/04/04 - Iran - Nobel Price Shirin Ebadi protests, she was not allowed to organize rally against the executions of juveniles. (EN)



Sonntag, 19. Dezember: Liturgie des Sonntags
4. Adventssonntag

Montag, 20. Dezember: Gedenken an die Armen

Dienstag, 21. Dezember: Gedenken an die Mutter des Herrn

Mittwoch, 22. Dezember: Gedenken an die Heiligen und die Propheten

Donnerstag, 23. Dezember: Gedenken an die Kirche

Freitag, 24. Dezember: Vigil von Weihnachten

Samstag, 25. Dezember: Weihnachten des Herrn
Weihnachten des Herrn

Sonntag, 26. Dezember: Sonntag der Heiligen Familie
Gedenken an den heiligen Stephanus, Diakon und erster Märtyrer

Montag, 27. Dezember: Gedenken an die Apostel
Gedenken an den heiligen Apostel und Evangelisten Johannes - "der Jünger, den Jesus liebte" und der unter dem Kreuz Maria als seine Mutter zu sich nahm.

Dienstag, 28. Dezember: Gebet in der Weihnachtszeit
Gedenken an die heiligen unschuldigen Kinder. Gebet für alle Opfer der Gewalt, vom Mutterschoß bis ins hohe Alter.

Mittwoch, 29. Dezember: Gebet in der Weihnachtszeit
Gedenken an den Propheten David. Ihm werden einige Psalmen zugeschrieben. Seit vielen Jahrhunderten begleiten die Psalmen das Gebet von Juden und Christen. Gedenken an den heiligen Thomas Becket, Verteidiger der Gerechtigkeit und der Würde der Kirche.

Donnerstag, 30. Dezember: Gebet in der Weihnachtszeit
Gedenken an Laurindo und Madora, zwei junge Mosambikaner, die im Krieg gestorben sind. Mit ihnen denken wir an alle Jugendlichen, die durch Konflikte und Gewalt der Menschen sterben.

Freitag, 31. Dezember: Te Deum
Danksagung an den Herrn für das vergangene Jahr.

Samstag, 1. Januar: Hochfest der Gottesmutter Maria
Gebet für den Frieden auf der Welt und für das Ende aller Kriege

Sonntag, 2. Januar: Liturgie des Sonntags
Gedenken an den heiligen Basilius den Großen (330-379), Bischof von Cäsarea und Vater des Mönchtums im Osten. Gedenken an Gregor von Nazianz (330-389), Kirchenlehrer und Patriarch von Konstantinopel.





 "VIVA GLI ANZIANI - in rete"



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January 1st 2005
World Day for Peace



(used-toy sale)

Play, recycle, and play again: european children help Africa with toys recicling




"La Parola di Dio ogni giorno - 2005" (The Word of God every day)

in Italian, German, Castilian and Catalan




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